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In the News
Dr. Dara gives tips how to talk to kids about school shootings
Dr. Dara offers insight on how to cope with loss on Mother’s Day
Dr. Dara gives tips on talking to kids about war
Dr. Dara gives tips on talking to kids about war
Dr. Dara gives tips how to teach kids patience in a world of immediate gratification
Dr. Dara gives tips to shift perception for progress over perfection
Dr. Dara gives tips to help families with bedtime routines and sleep success
Dr. Dara shares 3 steps to help your kids make their S.H.I.F.T. into the new year with setting goals
Dr. Dara speaks on MOM GUILT
Dr. Dara gives tips to helping your kids Set Goals vs. Intentions
Dr. Dara helps parents to manage holiday expectations with our kids
Dr. Dara speaks on checking your child’s attitude
Dr. Dara speaks on How to Conquer Parenting Burnout
Dr. Dara gives The 3 C's to communicate with kids
Dr. Dara gives tips how to help your kids journal
Dr. Dara speaks on how kids are impacted by the pandemic
Dr. Dara reflects on progress 1 year after George Floyd's death Dr. Dara weighs in how Biden's mask mandate will impact Americans
Dr. Dara gives insight on anxiety and panic during a gas shortage
Dr. Dara is cautiously optimist on the mental health impact of COVID vaccinations
Dr. Dara weighs in how Biden's mask mandate will impact Americans
Dr. Dara speaks with WLOS on mental health concerns of the political issues and the pandemic.
Dr. Dara speaks with WLOS on Christmas Stress
Dr. Dara speaks with WLOS on Coping with Election Anger
Dr. Dara shares her experience with COVID
The Dr Nandi with Dr. Dara Bushman Part 2: Eating Disorders
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