Dear anyone that wants to get their S.H.I.F.T. together, but wondering if S.H.I.F.T. is for you and what it means,
Do you feel unconnected to something greater than yourself and without a sense of empowerment? Do you have guilt for snacking or eating the wrong foods? Are you in debt and financially feel inadequate? Are you waiting for other people to “complete you”? Are you so busy meddling in other peoples’ business to avoid the realities of your own? Do you feel like you are crawling out of your own skin or like you are an alien sadly not belonging in your own life?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions–S.H.I.F.T. is for you. S.H.I.F.T. is an acronym for Spirituality/Self-empowerment, Health, Interpersonal, Financial, and Trade (occupation, parenting, education). The intention of S.H.I.F.T. is to encourage balance and integrity.
Identify what makes you feel connected at a deeper level (religious services, nature, yoga, meditation, time alone, etc...)
Fill your love cup with a realistic schedule, exercise, rest, and food (fitness schedule, sleep/rest schedule, nutrition plan, medical appts., self-care, etc.)
Establish your needs for time alone, with family and with friends (dates with your partner, time with friends, quality communication, etc...)
Determine your budget and financial goals (income, savings/debt reduction plans, investment goals, etc.)
Know what you want in your career/education/parenting daily task mastering (schedule, environment, roles, goals, etc...)
S.H.I.F.T. goes like this…
At our foundation it is for us to feel a sense of connection. It doesn't have to be religious. The connection can be in nature or believing in something greater than ourselves. As we feel anchored, we declare affirmative powerful “I am” statements declaring who we are as a matter of fact and not based on the opinion of how others feel about us.
As our sense of self is rooted, our love cup fills with nurturance of health fueling our best self and setting us F.R.E.E. We ingest Food that is healthful. We provide adequate space for Rest and rejuvenation. We participate in Exercise and move our bodies in ways to stimulate strength and release. Lastly, we engage in Everything else essential to heal our physical being and soul by prioritizing self-care and medical appointments.
The emphasis of filling our love cup and living F.R.E.E. to create S.H.I.F.T. is how each phase builds upon the next. When our love cup is full, we nourish and respect ourselves with alone time and connect with others at the same level of fulfillment. When we are our best selves, others share the same respect for themselves and us. How we treat ourselves is how we show up for others and how we show others how to treat us.
As we are strong with deep connections prioritizing our own needs, we make financially fit and organized decisions. We fiscally spend, save and invest in our future as we honor ourselves and make well planned financial choices to ensure a secure future. We spend with intentionality and to no longer overcompensate for internal voids and insecurities.
Our hierarchy of contentment energizes our choices for career, parenting, and education to be solid because our superpowers are in tune to show up present and with connection.
As we S.H.I.F.T., we unapologetically live a kick ass life and no longer shrink ourselves to fit into other people’s molds of who they think we should be to make them comfortable. We shamelessly live a life of integrity and truth.
We don’t get a second chance at this life and looking in the rearview mirror shoulding all over ourselves only keeps us looking back and getting more of what we don’t want. Now is the time to live a life of integrity and S.H.I.F.T.

Your No bull-shiFt, mental fitness, advice giving, S.H.I.F.T. Powerful Planner and Journal for an Unapologetically Kick Ass Life author, shame abolishing, health advocator and doer,
Dr. Dara